When I first stepped on Kabul,I was glad that I live in Mumbai but when I landed in Malayasia I felt like settling there. but within few days i started feeling homesick.
Chinchau was the first local drink I had in Malayasia.obviously it didnt suit my taste buds.later i was warned by my line producer not to experiment with food,as it could taste wierd. but i still took a chance once in a while as i love to experiment.Apart from fish and dosa i also had the thinnest noodles and the most unusual desert,a fried ice cream.but where do i get mom's home made food.
well if i ask you there is one thing in common between kabul and malayasia what would it be? ITS PEOPLE. We recived utmost hospitality and care by the locals( not to forget,the producer Mr Solo and his team )whom we started missing on the last day.There fore i repeat , every country has building,rivers,mountains but what makes it different is mainly its people.